A man’s meal is like hearing the sky and the night.


Xiao Jing smiled with shame and timidity. "Brother, I was thinking about you."
"Miss me?" Obviously, men are not stupid enough to doubt his nonsense.
Xiao Jing sighed and took the initiative to hug the man’s neck and lean on his shoulder as hard as iron.
Xiao Jing whispered in his ear when the man was stupidly, "Brother, you finally let Liu Yuan Bai see only me."
At the moment, Lu Changyuan was like a centering spell, and a vague figure gradually became clear. He was clever and sweet, and his smiles were all Confucian.
There’s a play!
Xiao Jing secretly secretly pleased and disappointed. "Before you saw Liu Yuan Bai, you only loved him, pitied him and loathed him for being wronged."
"Natural Liu Yuan Bai also loves you and regards you as a god."
"You hit it off. It’s heaven’s choice. Can couples be close to others except each other?"
Words often refer to Liu Yuan Bai, the name engraved in his life.
Black gas shrouded in Liu Changyuan gradually dissipated and was unwilling to gather again.
Obviously, Liu Yuan Bai has special significance for Lu Changyuan. Although he is invaded by demons, even if he is captured by love poison, he can easily awaken his reason.
In the plot, the two are very serious about their feelings, and it is a match made in heaven.
And he’s just a small cannon fodder. Can he imagine anything but being annoying?
Empathy makes Xiao Jing feel distressed, and there is something of self-mockery and loneliness in his words.
"If you don’t hurt me anymore, you treat me coldly and wish I disappeared into the vast sea of people."
"Brother, wake up! You want Liu Yuan Bai!"
Listen to Liu Changyuan twist eyebrow whisper look into a struggle.
He hung his head and showed a determined side face. His ribs were as cold as icebergs.
Such a cold-hearted man will not be easily moved if he can send his enemy to hell with a sword.
Liu Yuan Bai is special after all.
Xiao Jingxiao bitter canthus with tears "Brother, you love Liu Yuan Bai".
So don’t make a mistake. You should find Liu Yuan Bai instead of him!
"It’s not …"
A whisper interrupted Xiao Jing’s wishful thinking
Lu Changyuan’s sweaty body is hotter than his desperate desire to rub it. It is unbearable to be touched by Xiao Jing when he can’t vent his torture.
His body is tight, and he breathes low while enduring the shocking tide. "I don’t like Bai Er, and I have only mentoring friendship with him."
He suddenly looked up and his eyes were brighter than the stars, as if he had told the secret buried deep in his heart.
His face is smiling like never before, as warm as the sun.
Xiao Jing’s awkward cognition was violently collided and shattered into a tattered boat floating in the vast sea of knowledge.
What did he say?
Lu Changyuan doesn’t love Liu Yuan Bai. Are they mentoring?
Oh, he must be hearing voices.
The plot can’t go wrong. If it does, then …
"What will happen if Lu Changyuan doesn’t love Liu Yuan Bai?"
"There will be a big trouble" is unprecedented and calm. "If the emotional line collapses, the plot will go to the unknown, then it will fail, and then the heaven will collapse and this will disappear."
This is the emotional main line of the protagonist’s attack and attack. If there is a major deviation in the main line, it will be a catastrophe to repair it.
Xiao Jing’s heart is as cold as water. After thinking for a while, he said, "Are you confused, brother?"
Yuan Zhenjun has a special liking for disciples. This is that everyone is a governor. How can there be a variable when it is good?
Lu Changyuan impressed him deeply in his mind, but he was in an unprecedented calm mood despite suffering.
"I’m calm, junior."
Xiao Jing shook his head and said firmly, "No, you are confused."
Liu Changyuan frowned and just opened his mouth, but his palm stung.
Looking down, it turned out that Xiao Jing’s pointed nails drew a line in his palm, but there was no blood and only strange throb.
Xiao Jing Nunu’s eyes are cold as if looking at a stranger. "Brother, if you are really awake, will you hold my hand?"
Liu Changyuan puzzled that the palms of the two men were cold.
"Bai Er is clever and clever, unlike you, which is annoying everywhere."
"Don’t waste your time. I won’t love you in this life."
Liu Changyuan’s face was extremely ugly, and cold sweat seeped from his back.
Xiao Jing’s sad smile hurts people like a knife. "Brother, this is what you said. How long did it take to forget?"
Lu Changyuan hesitated to explain but couldn’t say a word.

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