Chi Xiong’s eyes changed and then he whispered, "Come with me"


They came to a room where a young girl was packing things. When Zhixiong saw her, her expression was soft and light. "Xiaoya, my friend and I have something to talk about. Can you leave for a while?"
A girl named Xiaoya smiled. "Then I’ll go to the kitchen to help."
She sat in the corner of the table for the two of them and looked at Tianyang. "So you are the Tianyang that Lao Han said?"
"It’s me"
Zhixiong spat out a sigh. "You are younger than I am, so people like you are monsters."
Tianyang’s mouth twitched slightly, and I really want to ask Han Shu how he turned his mouth into a’ monster’.
Zhixiong took out a board and handed it to Tianyang Road. "It’s no small matter what you want to do. Fortunately, I found out."
"Master Duan was taken to the water dungeon, and there is a bridge connecting it with the fortress in the southeast sea, where there is a guard."
Tianyang had some accidents. "Is there a guard?"
Zhixiong saw his one eye. "Don’t be careless about the dungeon. This place is home to me all the year round. It’s been seven years. It’s the first time I’ve heard of people there."
"It’s not a nobody who can be thrown into the dungeon. Similarly, he is willing to guard the dungeon and is not an ordinary guard."
"It’s a pity that I can’t find out the details of the guard and know that his name is Liu Huan, but I suspect it’s an alias."
Tianyang nodded slightly. "I didn’t thank you for the information. Besides, the captain asked me to tell you that you can go to Qingtianbao at any time. Where will he arrange your stay?"
Once the broken mountain is successfully rescued, it is definitely not appropriate for Lin Yuanwu to stay in Jingtaobao again. Therefore, Han Shu has already thought of a retreat for him and obtained the consent of Yan Yan.
Chi Xiong laughed. "I’ll pack up and leave these days."
"If you can leave the day after tomorrow, I can escort you to Ann’s place." Tianyang Dafang Road
"That will trouble you." Chi Xiong is also welcome.
Tianyang remembers the location of the water tank, then pulls up the hood and says "See you in heaven" lightly.
Chapter 119 Guard
The water dungeon is a strange place for the residents of Jingtaobao.
This is a batch of prisons built by high-ranking prisoners in the early days after the completion of Jingtao Castle. With the gradual expansion of the fortress, it has been in disrepair. This batch of prisons built on the sea is no longer used.
And most of the cells have collapsed, leaving some broken bridges.
Now there are only one or two dungeons left, and these cells are a stone bridge across the sea. Tianyang is not worried that he will find the wrong place
He stepped on the stone bridge with waves and walked slowly with "blood drink"
This stone bridge is three meters wide, but it is spacious. There is no guardrail for two weeks. If the wind is stronger, I am afraid it will blow people away.
At the end of the stone bridge, Tianyang saw a brazier, and someone was sitting on the ground with a long stick against the wall like a nap.
That’s the only guard in the dungeon
The other person was wrapped in a gray cloak, full of holes and badly damaged edges. The fire showed that it was a man, but his head was hanging down and his hair was dancing like weeds in the wind.
He holds a long stick, his skin is rough, he sticks out from the cloak, and he looks like a tramp without shoes.
However, the material of his long stick is stone-like, black, and there are several amber lines. The light of the fire reflects the light yellow light, which seems to be no ordinary weapon.
Tianyang kept walking until he reached the middle of the stone bridge.
The guard suddenly let out a long sigh and said in a dumb voice, "It’s so cold that I can’t sleep easily. Do I have to wake people up?"
Tianyang smiled. "You can go back to sleep. I’ll find someone and leave."
The guard caught his long hair like a weed and said, "There is a man in this dungeon now, but the duke ordered that no one should see him."
"Why don’t you do me a favor and go home? I didn’t see you."
Tianyang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I’m very sorry about that prisoner. I want to take him away tonight, or I’ll give you some money. It’s better for you to go anywhere than to look at such a run-down prison here."
The guard finally looked up and saw that his unkempt face and beard grew to his chest, which was worse than that of a tramp. He smiled and said, "When I was young, I had already passed the place I should go and played all the things I should play."
"Well, I’m not leaving. It’s good to keep this cell. It’s as quiet as it is outside."
Tianyang finally stopped less than 100 meters away from the guard, which was a short distance for him.
"Is there no room for discussion?" Tianyang asked with a smile
The guard got up with his rock stick, yawned, patted his cloak and shook his head. "No."
"All right, then."
The silvery white light blooms from the sun body bit by bit, spreading slowly like a silver flame.
The guard also moved his body. As he turned his head, stretched his shoulders and stretched his legs, his joints kept crackling. As his body sound sounded, his aura gradually grew.
This guard’s aura is not sharp, but it is as solid as a piece of hard iron.
He stretched out his hand and pulled the cloak at will, revealing the essence of nakedness. He was wearing a strip.
Wide-legged trousers stand barefoot, and he is covered with scars, which criss-cross like medals of merit to record his glory.
On his chest, Tianyang saw the fort rank coat of arms and saw a number 6.
Rank 6 fortress …

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