Chen Qianhe waved a recruit and handed Su Mo a stone from the ground. "It is not only stable, but even the most common stone in the world is far harder than the world. I will crush it."


Su Mo showed a little curiosity and took the stone and studied it in his palm.
It is indeed the most common stone.
Su Mo took out a piece from the bag and knocked on the stone with the strength of a thousand emperors, and saw that the fire was everywhere and the stone was intact!
"Ha ha this old man still don’t believe …"
Meng Shi glanced back at his pie mouth and chuckled.
Xu Rui looked ahead and watched the surrounding movements.
Chen Qianhe didn’t care when he saw this scene.
"Look out!"
Xu Rui seems to have found something and woke up quickly.
Chen Qianhe also got up and looked.
Su Mo took one look at the palm of his hand and suddenly turned over the palm of his hand.
The stone quietly turned into a pile of gravel and sand, which fell slowly along his fingers …
Chapter three thousand two hundred and forty-five decree by destiny
Xu Rui three people look dignified and stare at Lingzhoufang, a plant that eats Linghua, and didn’t notice Su Mo’s subtle move.
The mainland also has a ghost-eating flower, but compared with this one, it is too small.
The edge of this spirit-eating flower is serrated like two rows of staggered sharp fangs, like a maw, trying to swallow this spirit boat!
As Chen Qianhe said, everything in the world, including life, is extremely powerful!
Xu Rui manipulated the Lingzhou in the previous step and narrowly avoided the attack range of this spirit-eating flower, and the speed rose to a streamer to escape from here.
Three people breathed a sigh of relief until they were out of the attack range of that spirit-eating flower.
Chen Qianhe sat back in purpose and didn’t think much about seeing a piece of sand at Su Mo’s feet.
After all, just out of danger is still concerned.
Chen Qianhe looked at Su Mo and said, "Most plants in the world, especially in the southeast, have spiritual wisdom, and some are very aggressive."
Sue ink nodded and looked calm.
That spirit-eating flower poses little threat to him.
He is a violet, and once he releases his blood, he will suppress the natural blood of the plants and animals!
This blood pressure comes from the depths of the memory soul.
Just like a captive dog, even if he has never seen such a beast as a tiger, he will tremble with fear for the first time.
Sumo asked, "What’s in the chaotic palace of Daoyou?"
Chen Qianhe sighed lightly, "It is said that there was a chaotic holy land in the southeastern territory, which was later shattered by a great turmoil. Our ancestors drifted around and gradually did not fall to the name of a chaotic palace."
Sue ink secretly nodded.
The great turmoil in Chen Qianhe’s mouth should be the shattered scene in his memory. Some people in black robes also said similar things.
"What is the avenue for Taoist friends to practice?"
Chen Qianhe asked.
"Chaos Road"
Chen Qianhe smell speech one leng.
Xu Rui gave him a big surprise.

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