Their bitter eyes made Ye Fei feel numb.


"Ice hell will spread all over the world. In the future, you can knock down the dead, but you can kill them completely." Gu Qingshan said.
Ye Fei became dignified and asked, "Can we kill this ice hell?"
Gu Qingshan laughed and his face was full of bitterness.
"Who can destroy a whole cosmopolitan hell?"
He continued, "this is an end, and more importantly, it has been recorded on the human planet for 27 thousand years."
"Do you know what this means?" He asked.
Ye Fei from just a thought turned white.
He asked incredulously, "Will all the dead appear in more than 20 thousand years?"
"Not all ice and hell are heinous."
Gu Qingshan said, "You can calculate how many dead villains will be resurrected in the long river of 27,000 years."
"More than that, according to scientific research, this planet has written other articles before human beings."
According to archaeology, there were at least three eras before the discovery of mankind.
"The era of giants and the era of magic people have not yet determined another chaotic era."
"When those monsters wake up from their dead sleep, they will come to our world."
Chapter three hundred and sixteen Monster
"Once the ice hell spreads all over the planet," Gu Qingshan shook his head and sighed, "including the villains in the four eras of human language, they will wake up, even if we can defeat them, they will recover soon."
Ye Fei couldn’t help saying, "Can’t we talk about striving for peaceful coexistence?"
Gu Qingshan looked at him and said, "Eating the flesh and blood of the living can get six senses at a certain time and experience the beauty of this world as before."
"Eat the souls of the living, and they will gain the power of the dead."
"The more the living die, the stronger they become."
"Can you imagine their attitude towards the world?"
Gu Qingshan and some dim.
Ye Fei left the silly place.
"Man is their food" Ye Fei murmured.
"Yes," Gu Qingshan sighed with emotion. "We can deal with this ice lake first and never let it spread."
Now we must go all out.
After handling this place, we must immediately find a way to stop Emperor Fuxi and his ancestors.
If we can defeat them in this world, there will be yellow reinforcements coming.
This is a faint hope, which is better than despair. Gu Qingshan mused in his heart.
Ye Fei suddenly thought of a question and sighed, "These monsters can’t be killed, so I didn’t evolve by them."
Gu Qingshan said, "In the future, you will think more about saving your life."
"Then we will do nothing?" Ye Fei asked.
"Of course not. We have to use our brains to fight it."
Gu Qingshan said, playing is hands quickly fuck up.
"What are you doing?" Ye Fei asked from curiosity.
"Communicate with the goddess and make some arrangements" Gu Qingshan said.
Two feet suddenly a jitter.
Followed by waves of tilting and shaking from side to side
Ye Fei looked away and muttered, "What is that?"
Gu Qingshan’s hand kept following the spirit force to observe the distance.
See a deep hole in the ice.
A huge dead gray humanoid climbed out of the hole.
As soon as this monster appeared on the ice, everyone’s face closed tightly.
Their frozen faces are blue and purple, and the color of ferocious resentment disappears, replaced by metaphorical fear.
Ye Fei couldn’t help but open his mouth when he looked at the monster carefully.
He has never seen anything like it.
That huge humanoid object is more than ten meters high on the ground.
The dense human corpses are glued together to form the monster’s limbs and the whole trunk.
There are two places on its head that are covered with heavy fog and look like its eyes.
A dark cave was formed when the dead bodies were sunken in the fog.
-this seems to be its mouth.
If such a horrible monster appears in a densely populated place, I’m afraid many people will collapse directly if they look at it.
This monster sticks his head out and two clouds of fog gaze at Gu Qingshan and Ye Fei.
Several bodies on its cheeks were squeezed to both sides, and its eyes and mouth were slowly twisted and deformed.

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