I miss you so much, he suddenly said


Gu Mengmeng leng for a few seconds to come over for nothing. He is saying that he is unlucky.
I’m sorry, Mr. Mazavi. I want to ask you for help. Gu Mengmeng looked at him sincerely. Her eyes were so clear that Mazavi couldn’t help but look at her again.
He wants to refuse.
But Gu Mengmeng grabbed his robe sleeve and dragged him to a remote corner.
I know that you are a jihadist organization, and my younger brother Mohammed happens to be in your base. I haven’t seen him for a long time. I wonder if you can do me a favor and let me go to the mountains to see him together.
Muhammad saw the question in Mazar-e-Sharif’s eyes. Gu Mengmeng quickly took a thick stack of money tickets and stuffed them into his hand.
Please, please, I haven’t seen him for a long time. I especially miss him. Gu Mengmeng cried at the end.
Mazar-e-Mazar looked at the money in his hand and then at Gu Mengmeng, who was single and weak, and finally hesitated to nod his head.
I’m in charge of bringing you into the base. You ask your brother to send you here.
Jihad is very strict, and relatives and outsiders are not allowed to enter the base department in violation of orders.
Mazavi couldn’t resist the temptation of money and felt that the woman wouldn’t do anything, so she rashly agreed to come.
Ok, I just want to see him. He said a few words and left. Gu Mengmeng thanked Mazavi for his kindness.
Gu Mengmeng was still shaking when she got back to Cheng Jun’s truck. She missed the most extensive surname of Iraqis, Mohammed. Fortunately, people with the same name at the base fortunately, this Mazar-e-vi also recognized Chapter 242 Karim.
On the way, Gu Mengmeng was blindfolded by a piece of cloth thrown in by Mazavi from the outside. She knew that it was a rule and left him without arguing.
Mazar-e-Vemon touched Gu Mengmeng’s skirt rudely when her body approached her fingers.
Gu Mengmeng Yishan consciousness blocked a Mazar-e-Mazar-e-D hairy hand and landed on her bulging abdomen.
He was stunned by the touch of his hand.
Then she said bitterly that it was a reckless woman who dared to come to the base with a big belly.
Gu Mengmeng curled up into the darkness at the end of the carriage, and she dared not stretch out her hand to untie the cloth. She could pick up vegetables at her feet to defend herself.
Mazar-e-Mazar lost interest and reached out and touched the hard crotch before swearing and went to the cab.
Later, a young base child got off the bus. He and she stayed in a closed and smelly carriage. At first, they didn’t talk. Later, when the child saw that she was upset and wanted to vomit, he helped her to the back of the carriage and asked her to probe into it.
She guessed that they had entered the mountain with a cloth over their eyes and a hot wind blowing on their faces.
After spitting sour water in her stomach, she was dragged by the little boy and went back to sit down.
Thank you Gu Mengmeng for thanking him in Kurdish.
The little boy was very shy. He muttered something there and stopped talking.
After a long time, Gu Mengmeng felt the sweet aroma coming from the tip of her nose, which took away the tightness in her chest and dissipated her pain from the belly of the car.
She grabbed the leaf on her nose and thanked the little boy for saying what it was.
This time, she heard the little boy say that my mother taught me to stop vomiting, that is, cauliflower leaves.
Gu Mengmeng’s heart was too warm. She put the leaf on her nose and asked the little boy what’s your name? Is mom at the base, too?
The little boy didn’t speak for a long time.
Later, when Gu Mengmeng couldn’t wait for the sound to be anxious, he said that my name was Karim and my mother was dead.
I’m sorry Gu Mengmeng felt very sad. She didn’t mean to touch Karim’s bottom line.
Karim silently came over and learned about Gu Mengmeng’s eye cloth.
He was stunned when he saw Gu Mengmeng’s eyes-he said you were not Iraqi.
Gu Mengmeng nodded.
What, uncle Mazavi didn’t seem to
I may have kept my head down and he didn’t notice what he said.
The pure melancholy in Karim’s eyes attracted Gu Mengmeng’s sight. It seems that he is really a beautiful boy.
Gu Mengmeng took his hand and said Karim, you believe me, right?
Karim nodded.
Since he took care of her, she treated her illness, and her loosening action has been up to this young child.
Gu Mengmeng took a towel and let Karim see her face before wearing it again in his stunned eyes.
I’m from China. I’m here to save my husband. He’s in your base, with your leader’s daughter.

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