Ayako, are you all right? If you are determined, let me carry you on my back and ask SiTuHao as he runs forward.


When I entered Fenling Castle, those Fenling Castle brothers had given me unknown drugs to resist the strange smell of Fenling Castle. I should not be affected by this strange smell, but you.
You don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I heard that Mu Ling had taken the medicine, and Situhao’s worry was immediately relieved.
At this time, a brother of the demon castle has already acted. Situhao took Mu Ling and ran forward for about three miles. They were finally surrounded by the brother of the demon castle.
See these demons fort brother Stuart Hao mind immediately now those who were caught by them to think about a fresh life, they were so cruel and cruel murderous look in Stuart Hao’s heart again.
Blink of an eye, his eyes are full of black hair, and immediately they turn red as blood.
At this time, there were more than 20 people around Situhao who complained about the ghost castle. They were not shocked when they saw the strange changes in the eyes of men.
Bloody eyes, everyone be careful. He’s Situhao.
Situ Hao’s eyes and hair will turn red in many cases during the war, which is already a sign of him and a well-known thing in martial arts circles. At this time, his body changes have exposed his identity.
Situhao’s heart is full of resentment than the violent murderous look that affects his mood. He can’t influence him any more, and he is still stimulating his violent murderous look, which makes his heart more violent.
Today, I’m always going to have a bloodbath in the castle of demons. Situ Hao’s eyes are splitting. He said word for word that the murderous look in the sound made these brothers of the castle of demons change color with horror.
Yin malicious sound landing Stuart Hao right hand sword with a wave of his hand in front of him immediately flew a piece of ice to several demons fort brother ran away in front.
Ah ah ah ah
The brothers of the Evil Spirit were not strong enough, and several brothers of the Evil Spirit were killed on the spot before the physical form of Situhao element attacked and screamed.
On the other side, Mu Ling also launched his own attack, flying all over the sky, and the knife hurtled forward to shoot even more than a dozen brothers in the screaming, and they were directly killed.
Mu Ling has been promoted to a rank of martial arts because of her great success in heart sutra.
The struggle here is to let more demons brothers know that Situ Hao was killed by the Ministry, but more and more demons brothers joined the encirclement.
Situ Hao Mu Ling’s elemental attacks kept flying all over the sky, screaming and bleeding, and more and more brothers of the demons were killed on the spot.
However, Mu Ling is doing her best to influence her spirit, and her attack is getting weaker and weaker. Seeing that she will not stay up, Chapter 3, Protector of Xianmen, Chapter 1, is even more important.
Situhao has been paying attention to Mu Ling. Seeing that her offensive is getting weaker and weaker, he couldn’t help crying urgently, Ling Er, stop waving your arms. You just have to ensure that you are not hurt.
Mu Ling immediately stopped her attack when she was awake in Situhao, and made a dark pranayama on the spot.
Situhao kept waving his hands, and the lightning blade cracked in the sky and cracked in the ice for several days, resulting in frantic rushing forward.
At this time, Mu Ling didn’t attack Situhao again to protect Mu Ling’s body from turning. Because of his extremely fast attack speed, the ice in the center of Situhao’s body kept flying in all directions, and those younger brothers with low force were killed one by one.
The Castle of Wrath is surrounded by resentment by the annihilation of the magic forest Gucci array. In their consciousness, anyone who enters here outside Wujin without their special method of drug control will be resented and dare not come to the Castle of Wrath to commit crimes. However, Situhao’s powerful attack is enduring, but it has given them a fatal blow.
Terror and anger seem to be rooted in Stuart’s behavior, and his attack power has not been affected by his anger.
A group of idiots retreated, and at this moment, a thunderous sound shook people’s ears.
Those brothers who want to surround Situ Hao’s evil spirit castle really know that their force is not very strong, but they want to fight recklessly here, which is no different from sending sheep into the jaws of death.
In the huge roar, the younger brother of Hatred Spirit immediately flew back to Sifei for a moment, and they had already flown back to Lixu and looked at Situhao in the field from a distance, the dark pranayama longed for silk.
Situhao is not good at pursuing because he is still beside Mu Ling, and he doesn’t want to waste his own force. So he is standing quietly on the spot waiting for the other person to roar.
At this moment, a figure flashed hundreds of meters away, and now a gray-haired old man with a pair of cold stars flashing eyes looked at Situhao stupefied.
Through his other running speed, Situhao has reached the ninth order with little old strength in front of him.
You are SiTuHao that old stupefied looking at SiTuHao coldly drink asked.
Situhao’s eyes were red and his hair was flying slightly. He also looked at the old man coldly. You are Xiao Yang. He didn’t answer the old saying, and the cold voice asked the old man.
Master Xiao Bao has something important to do, but I’m not the old lady, and I’m the guardian judge of Xianmen.
Immortal Protector, did you betray Immortal and join the Castle of Evil Spirit?
Wrong. I didn’t betray Xianmen, but Xianmen Castle of Wrath has already formed an alliance with friends. We Xianmen are responsible for guarding the Castle of Wrath.
Although Situhao’s heart is full of violent murderous look, his consciousness is quite clear. When he heard this, he immediately said, "What is going on?" He quipped, "Oh, come to Xianmen to be afraid of the evil spirit castle and be willing to be the watchdog of the evil spirit castle."
SiTuHao voice landing GuanHong face look couldn’t help big change, he looked bad to ruthlessly SiTuHao is not the patriarch’s life to capture you alive today will you dismembered.

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