Duan Fei came to her side and didn’t sleep much.


Xiaoxiao is naughty and blinks. I want kung fu if it’s not a warrior.
Duan Fei not language corners of the mouth is slightly raised.
Xiaoxiao smiled and patted two sons and went to have breakfast.
Xiaowu hey hey smiled at Niang, pointed his finger at Xiaoxiao, bowed his head and leaned over to Xiaowu’s novel, and Mom and Dad said that we would soon be a sister.
Xiaoxiao Zheng and then knocked on the head. Don’t listen to your father’s nonsense.
Xiaowen calmly interfaces. Dad never lies. Words are full of worship for Duan Fei.
Small arms also kept nodding yes.
Duan Fei approached and pulled up her hand, clasped it on her wrist without trace, and looked at her with a clear eye and a smile. I will never break my promise.
Xiaoxiao leng, you mean
She quickly broke her fingers and counted her period at the beginning of the month. Now it has been seven days.
I can’t believe covering your mouth. You mean I’ve already
Duan Fei gently but firmly headed
Ah Xiaoxiao screamed happily at my baby.
Looking at her excitement, he pulled a little smile and it was beautiful and leisurely.
At that time, Xiao Xiao’s news spread all over the castle, and everyone was boiling like New Year’s Day. Only a small white figure with a frown looked at a face of happiness in the distance. Xiao Xiao was not very white, but the more happy he was, the more unbearable he was.
The mouse’s eyes turned around in a daze, and it couldn’t continue to face her smiling face, and it didn’t know how long it could keep this secret for him.
Just when everyone was excited about Xiaoxiao’s pregnancy, the mark came back and brought back another person at the same time.
Zhang Yu, with a serious face, went straight to Duan Fei and knelt down at him for seven reports.
The title "Seven Sovereigns" is obviously in the position of the table. He is now here to bow down. It is the Seven Sovereigns of Qing Lan Dynasty, not the Lord of Junge Pavilion. He is loyal or Duan Yishen will never betray his Lord.
Seeing him was both a surprise and a pleasure, because everyone was present and it was good to suppress his hands and his face was red.
Duan Fei stared at him, and then he didn’t say a word. He just stared at him with indifferent eyes.
Beside the wind and others are also watching a good show. Hey, Zhang Guards, you are too brave to dare to break into the Monastery, aren’t you too dismissive of us?
Frost also joked that it was an enemy who fought against each other earlier, and we couldn’t help it. Now, how dare you even think about us?
Zhang Yu quietly glanced at the water and scratched his head. I actually came to think about it. After saying this to you, he went to the big firm and said that I want to marry the water. Chapter 183 Marry.
I want to marry water
Zhang Yu’ s words immediately cheered on both sides when he shouted.
The wind took the lead in slapping me. It’s so small. How dare you be so arrogant in our territory?
Mark also said cheerfully that I had tested him first.
Oh, everyone’s here. What’s the fun test

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