Meng Fei face expression gradually heavy up.


Generally speaking, the beasts of the same order are all in the same order, unless they are in the hands of human Tianjun, the base of the beast is the enemy of the same order
However, more than 200 beasts actually fell when they first entered, which made Meng Fei evaluate the strength of those dead creatures again.
Kerviel shook his head and suddenly turned around, but fortunately, those beasts recklessly let us know the strength and characteristics of these dead creatures, and finally we were able to join hands and spend hundreds of thousands of years to annihilate them, and we were not prepared for the second battle a million years later.
Meng Fei nodded slightly, but it was a pity that his heart was dark.
In the past, the number of heavenly kings and powerful beasts who entered this place should be about 600, but after millions of years, there is only a quarter left.
However, this price has also brought thousands of years of peace in the astral world. This may be the reason why I am atoned for these days.
Glancing at the passage, Meng Fei asked sadly, don’t you want to go back?
Kerviel’s eyes were full of bitterness, and he murmured, We all have to go back before this passage is closed.
Meng Fei zhang mouth is don’t know should be appealed to chapter one thousand three hundred and seventeen provoke away.
A light wheel suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a Shazu Tianjun descended from the sky with a piece of white light.
At the sight of this exaggerated field, Meng Fei immediately understood the identity of the other party
It is estimated that no one is interested in this kind of environment except Sha Tianjun’s palm.
Callert, there you are, Michelle. Hey, hey, smile and tell you a good news.
Callert still said, Lord Michelle, what’s your good news?
Meng Fei eyes in the two people turn immediately felt the sharp contradiction obscure hostility.
The thought that these two are the absolute overlords of the alien race makes him realize that these two can never be fellow travelers.
Although everyone is here at this time and has been in trouble for millions of years, these two natural enemies are absolutely close to each other
Of course, they represent power, but more importantly, the root of their power is tit for tat.
Michelle’s hand raised a life-and-death thunder and immediately threw it to callert, reaching out and catching her eyes. In everyone’s hands, a life-and-death thunder swept away and finally fell into his own hands.
He has said that Michelle, the old enemy, is sure of this.
Quietly induced the mutation of life and death thunder in one hand, and his face changed slightly and exclaimed, no way. What’s going on?
Michelle showed a hint of ridicule on her surface, but she was equally shocked in his heart.
He callert’s cultivation of Qi is a dark force, which is even better than that of many celestial monarchs in the thousand celestial bodies. Other celestial monarchs may be able to sense the power attribute here for a while, but they know very well that only the Qi of the heavens can bring down their dark force.
But even he can’t think of who can practice the true qi of the heavens in this world.
There is a long whistle on the horizon again, which is full of gas and faint with a hint of arrogance
It takes not only enough courage but also courage to match the powerful strength to be able to release one’s domineering in front of many Shinto.
There were three figures in the sky, and Meng Fei recognized Sony Dharma Sonik at a glance, but among them there was a middle-aged man in a strange robe.
This man seems to have a blank face, but his eyes are completely blank and his breath is strong. The score is a disillusionment.
The people look different, even those god beast eyes are frequently looked toward the middle-aged man.
Keweilong defends the wind and the moon. Sidney’s eyes are full of undisguised envy, a little hidden and deep jealousy.
In today’s veteran Tianjun, the first ten statues were shattered, but when this person was promoted to shattered territory, he had already narrowed the distance between these ten people.
It’s not the distance between martial arts and martial arts, but also the distance between status and status.
Brother Meng, this is the hexagram gate. In the ruin of the eleven statues of Thales, their hexagram gate actually accounted for the first place in two days, but it was the first place in the day. Kewell sighed lightly
Meng Fei eyes slightly turned to look at the dragon wind, these people can go back, so it is not good news for the first day of today.
Two shattered realms are definitely not comparable to those of a few heavenly kings.
Maybe in the near future, the title of China, the largest in the thousand stars, will really change hands.

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