When Qiancai woke up again, she found a little pain in her neck and she was lying in a gorgeous room with a bloody smell in her breath.


Thousand colors seems to be holding something in his hand. Thousand colors hold it up and look at it as a dagger.
And it’s a dagger that’s bleeding blood.
Thousand colors quickly threw away the dagger. Seven souls and six spirits had already left three souls and two spirits.
What’s going on here
It’s not white that Qianse’s brain is spinning fast. Qianse is good at propping up and sitting up, but he is stunned by the scene before him.
There is a body lying at Qianse Foot, and it is a female body.
She was dressed in strange clothes and looked like an ancient ornament. Her eyes were wide open and she looked straight at the thousand colors, which was unbelievable, as if she had seen something incredible before she died.
And she had a deep mouth in her chest as if she had been stabbed by a dagger.
Dagger thousand colors suddenly remembered that they had just thrown away the dagger. Did they kill her?
Thousands of colors are stiff and can’t even scream.
What the hell is going on here?
Where’s Wen Hao? Why is she here? Why is a body lying at her feet?
A series of questions have made a thousand colors tremble, trying to find Wen Hao from this right and wrong and find out the ins and outs of things.
Just then, a series of footsteps sounded, and suddenly many people, men and women, came into the room.
When their eyes saw the body, they almost unanimously looked at the thousand colors at once as if they were asking if you killed someone.
It’s not that I consciously explain the sound, but it’s very strange. Is this her sound?
The first lady and the second lady were killed by the young lady
I don’t know who said something before everyone recovered from the shock.
Little sister, how can you kill people? At the front, the woman is dressed in gorgeous and noble clothes. She is looking at Qianse with grief at the moment.
Sister, is she calling her?
A thousand colors look blank.
What should I do if my wife takes it? Should I report it to the official? Someone asked again.
The woman who was called madam was shocked-she looked at the thousand colors with a hard face, then gritted her teeth and said with a righteous attitude.
You can do it, too. It’s even worse for the common people to commit the same crime. Adults have always been honest and straightforward. If he were at home, he would certainly do the same.
What is she talking about?
What kind of bad feelings?
Sister, since you killed Wang, you should be punished, and your sister-in-law can give you to the government first, otherwise it will bring trouble to our prime minister’s office and send the young lady to the government.
That lady rattled off a lot, and she was so smooth that she wondered if she had recited it beforehand.
But Qiancai still didn’t understand what she meant. She suspected that she had killed someone, which is understandable.
But what does she want to say that she is her sister-in-law
She’s the only child in their family. Where does her brother and sister-in-law come from?
While thinking about Qianse, several men in ancient gowns dragged Qianse without saying anything.
Thousand colors didn’t struggle. The lady seemed surprised, and then she resumed a look of watching the drama, which was different from the hard expression just now.
Is this murder related to her?
Thousands of colors were brought into the government. After listening to the narrative of the servant, I detained thousands of colors for the time being until thousands of colors sat in the cell and her brain woke up.
Judging from this situation, it seems that she crossed
What a coincidence! Unfortunately, I just crossed over to a murderer and became a scapegoat.
It’s a pity that her literary love has just ended. Thousands of colors are more fortunate than sad.
Thousands of colors want her to cross the curse in the dream, but she is glad that the curse arrival brought her disaster, but fortunately it happened early.
If it doesn’t happen until Qianse’s love for Wenhao grows stronger, she will surely live and die.
Now that I understand the ins and outs of things, I think the problem is to get myself out of murder. This charge is not small. Maybe I will lose my life. I don’t want to die so early.
Miss Nie, adults are going to be questioned in court today. Come with us.
This is the second day that Qianse was sent to prison. No one came to see Qianse, including Qianse, in this issue.
Maybe she is guilty of not coming to see her, but she will try to find her if she doesn’t come to see her.
Qianse knelt outside the lobby, surrounded by ordinary people attending the theatre. Qianse was sitting in front of Gaotang’m, and his eyes were already covered, and he still looked so divine and refined.
Don’t’m clap surprised wood heavily on the table and ask don kneeling people but Nie Qianse, the prime minister’s younger sister.

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