The immortal sword is also a unique skill, and its flying speed is more than twice as fast as that of the ordinary clan method.


Jiang Shishi also sensed that the two of them were rushing to the moment, and Li Yueling’s sacrifice to refine the day’s ghosts ate the soul, but she would not easily pass.
Body really yuan crazy surge dozens of deep and remote light wave blade has swung, and at the same time, it is also offering her a few magic weapons together.
In the case of knowing whether it is a lonely road flyover or an opponent in Lingyuan, Jiang’s poems are a deadly style of play, regardless of whether one’s true strength is enough or not, regardless of whether one’s physical protection is crazy or not.
However, this was a temporary situation. First, the lonely Taoist put the blue flying sword on his foot and illumined it all over the sky, and quickly defeated Jiang Shishi’s attack on the blade of the light wave.
That Lingyuan is very aggressive, but also wants to show that he thought that the previous guy agreed to sacrifice the magic weapon he got from his father. At this moment, where will he hesitate? First, he stepped on the colorful flying sword, and then his mouth seemed to say that the sword in his hand would never stop changing.
The green rope sword demon changed into a pure green rainbow, and a simple polar green sword appeared with the rainbow.
At first glance, I heard the word "green rope sword" and Jiang’s poems came to a sudden stop with the trend. Her body could not help but tremble slightly when the blue rainbow hung over the sky.
Jiang Shishi is a zombie, and his nature is that he is most afraid of those things with spiritual powers. Although the fairy sword is not an ancient treasure, it is almost like a real person with long eyebrows.
Time-consuming number is always refined into these two magic weapons, purple and blue double swords, which have become the bane of demon generation.
It is also feasible to break Yue with one sword if you want to repair enough.
In the early days of Lingyuan, it is impossible to exert such power. Even if this can be used to deal with Xiu, it will be lower than him, but Jiang’s poems are more than enough.
True Yuan pays close attention to the green rope, and the sword is full of light.
The horse looks like a ten-foot-long sword, and the green air surrounds it. The sword is huge. The sword is slightly touching the rock wall of the cave. The hard iron rock wall is like being cut and smashed to the ground, and the rumble is endless.
Seeing Lingyuan offering Qing Suojian to the lonely Taoist priest turned out to be retreating and standing without fighting, as if everything would be over soon.
On the other hand, Jiang Shishi’s face turned white at the moment. This green SuoJian is her destiny nemesis. Aren’t you afraid to think about Li Yueling behind him? She can retreat at the moment when the devil eats the soul. If it weren’t for Jiang Shishi’s death, she has become half a blood god.
I’m afraid it’s hard for her to resist just relying on the power of Qing Suojian.
Qing Suojian is the evil treasure, which puts great pressure on Jiang’s poems.
At this time, Jiang’s poems felt that a repair could be brought into full play at its peak, and it was even more urgent to stop these two evil Taoist Yue Ling, who was still in a state of infant body. Once they broke through, Yue Ling would be unfortunate.
The feeling be nasty, Jiang’s poetry is also desperate to forcibly transport it, remembering the disintegration of monty. This achievement method is also the only one in the world that Jiang’s poetry can be put to good use without practicing, and it is also a desperate achievement method that can hurt all enemies.
The decisive operation of Jiang’s poems fills the air all over the body, and the blood shadow suddenly soars. In an instant, the lotus flower turns out to be straight at five feet and surging and stirring.
Can the blood evil spirit fight against this, huh
Lingyuan, your green sword is its nemesis. Don’t underestimate the bloody evil spirit. It’s determined that you can’t resist the green sword and mans watching the battle. The old man’s eye is high and he sees through the origin of Jiang Shishi’s lotus flower. He is slightly surprised but not too worried. Although he didn’t expect Jiang Shishi to release this huge amount of bloody evil spirit, it was just some accidents.
I’m still very at ease about Qingsuojianling’s deep silence.
Lingyuan heard the silence of the old saying, and secretly said that today’s exorcism and defense must be done neatly and beautifully. When it comes to it, it will still be your own water. Martial uncle has reported the theory of ruin. Whether it is a name or a status will rise. Maybe you can ask Dad to give you this green sword style.
Minding of this spiritual deep is also urging Gu Li to suddenly see the green rope and sword awn soar by several feet, and then cut the sky straight, and the blue rainbow and thunder are unstoppable.
Through the disintegration of monty, Jiang Shishi’s physical strength has risen by two levels, which is equivalent to the mid-Ming period, so she can release her blood.
At the moment, Jiang Shishi’s eyes are blue and dark, and his waist and black hair are becoming bright. At the moment, the blood is all over the sky, and the blood shadow is shrouded in five feet. Fiona Fang’s blood is really a kind of blood god.
In Jiang’s poems, the bloody ghost condensed to form a thick blood cell of Zhang Xu Fiona Fang. When I heard that she sent out a piercing long hiss, the bloody ghost ball was compressed and condensed, and suddenly it was chopped and green.
The collision of these two forces turned out to be strong enough to produce shock waves.
Booming and exploding, the blue sword mans blood is woven in such a vast land. Most of them are afraid that this cave will collapse if it is not because these two terrible giants cancel each other out.
It is said that the lonely road flyover was amazed that Jiang’s poems could actually block the green Suojian Mountain, and even shocked Lingyuan along with the half-medium green Suojian. I couldn’t help but frown slightly and ponder, but seeing his metamorphoses, his body is flashing and cutting, and it is definitely a breathing thing to play five Arctic thunder.
Its goal is to attack Chiang Kai-shek’s poems with a strong attack on Qingsuo Jianmang and vomit a mouthful of blood.
Everyone in the evil generation deserves to be punished and die. This trip by Taoist Ji is really a sneak attack, but people who don’t know it are always like this. Even if it is a despicable sneak attack, you should find an excuse.
This Arctic thunder method is second to the Taoist thunder method, and it is by no means a distraction period. Can Jiang Shishi resist vomiting blood while Qingsuo Jianmang shakes it off?
Boom, the first ray definitely hit Jiang Shishi’s body. If it weren’t for her, she was a half-blood corpse king’s body, and she was forced to disintegrate and improve her strength. I’m afraid this blow will be wiped out.
But even though this poem by Chiang Kai-shek was not silent because of the earth of the flesh, it was also suffered from a huge wound in which blood gushed wildly, and it was hit by thunder and fire, and it seemed that it had lost its ability to continue fighting.

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