Asking yourself to chop down a taboo is bound to be the ultimate part of talent awakening, which is a necessary part for yourself now.


Further speculation, he feels that the ultimate talent is really not determined at birth, but is awakened according to the special synthesis of awakening his own body foundation.
That is to say, his first two worlds may not be the same as the ultimate talent he got after the completion of the present enlightenment.
In terms of time limit, Lu Chen and others really don’t need to worry. Because of his high pass, entering this world has a great advantage, that is, freedom of entry and exit.
If he is in a non-combat state, he can leave this world at any time, and there is no limit to his stay.
To put it simply, a high pass is equivalent to a green card. After all, he is a Lord in Gaoshentu, even if he lives in Gaoshentu, it’s nothing.
Look at the world parameters when they wake up this time, and you will know that there are some random world anomalies everywhere.
"WorldNo. Native World"
World difficulty level LV3 ~ LV9-9 (including all regions in the world)
Adjustment of stay time and intention (high pass effect)
The current arrival coordinates are high, and the territory of Yangweibo in the north of Shentu is high.
Lu Chen didn’t read the details of the world. Yang Weibo was called his high world title and he didn’t like it.
When staying, the column means to regulate and control him to come and go whenever he wants. In this respect, the skills of their team at that time were not great. Before Chu Hang entered the world, Lu Chen was changed to a combat class to gain passive skills.
Lu Chen smelled danger in the column of world difficulty level.
Therefore, he has entered the ultra-high difficulty world several times before, and the world difficulty limit will be marked lv9, but according to his experience, level 9 is not the top level of the ninth difficulty limit.
The ninth grade limit should be 9, but he didn’t even see 9 in the high world. This number is 9, or it involves higher-level strong people
But this arrival is different. After the highest difficulty limit, there is actually a dotted line pointing to level 9!
What does this say? Does it indicate that war is about to happen, or is there any strong person who wants to break through the critical line again and reach his unknown realm?
The one thousand one hundred and fifteen Zhangyang boundary combined potential
It is easy to understand that the difficulty limit in the world is very low.
The world difficulty label includes all regions, that is, the number world category, such as the inner world, such as the surface world, the multiverse.
The surface multiverse also has a relatively ordinary universe, such as a world similar to the earth, so it is not difficult for the earth people to be mortal.
"what! ? To kill a taboo level strong! ?”
Xia Mi exclaimed after hearing Liu Chen.
Painted pear clothes show eyebrows slightly wrinkled with worry. Chu Hang was silent. Leng Yue also looked askance, but that look was like saying,’ Not the kui is a boss Lu’.
"It’s not impossible to kill taboos now. If people disturb the venue, it’s not impossible for us to start team skills. The problem is that the world situation is chaotic."
Lu Chen said that he was not blind and confident, but his basic attributes were not as good as now, so he could play with the nine-winged taboo for a while
It can be said that when he met in those years, if he had the current basic attributes, he could draw a level with the other side, and he would not lose for more than ten thousand years.
If you add outrageous team skills to bless him, he feels that it is not impossible to hack a taboo.
The problem lies in the taboo of the high world. Where can I cut it for him? Yang world is not easy for him either. I’m sure there will be an old brother looking for light in it, or he may be his potential ally.
After thinking about it, it seems that he also has taboos about going to the inner world, but there are several taboos in the inner world, such as means, such as whether he is at risk of being besieged, which he is not clear at all.
Besides, now the three-way war will play the so-called gun to shoot the bird in the head, and a small foreign group will hunt taboos, which will definitely be targeted by many parties.
"We still have plenty of time to stay. Come on step by step. Let’s collect information first and take a long-term view."
After thinking, Chuhang said that Liu Xiong could be the ultimate goal first, but it was impossible to do it.
When it is urgent to collect information, then they can practice for a while and stabilize their strength to observe the movement of the Yang world

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