Why does whispers appear every time I am on duty in shifts to protect the East China?


Guo Min clearly remembers that a few outsiders were killed by the Emperor not long ago, but now will this airship be the same as the predecessors?
Guo Min’s frown was hurriedly broken, and he felt that he should immediately go to the human world to inform the Emperor.
The airship, wearing a blood-red aristocratic coat, looked at the man who had finished showing his eyes, and the eyes of the imperial city of the Chinese Empire changed into surprises.
His lower planes are all wild, and his biological wisdom is not too high.
And this scene in front of him completely subverts his cognition, looking at the imperial city and the streets, looking at the pedestrians jostling with each other. If his elders hadn’t said that this was a low-level plane, he would have thought it was an equal-level plane!
"good! Ok! Good! " The man even said three good words, but he still couldn’t tell the surprise and satisfaction in his heart.
"Today is really lucky for young master to meet such a good place! I want to set this place as my territorial capital! "
The man laughed and his face was full of joy.
The old man didn’t speak
He came to wake up men to be careful of this quasi-saint and strong man, but he thought about it and felt that it was still unnecessary.
Because men won’t listen if they say it, they may be killed.
"Officials and family members all feel that their natural enemies never look down on others."
The old man looked at the bustling streets of Imperial City and could not help sighing and lamented.
"Another outsider came to my Chinese empire?" Su Yu, who is playing with Xiao Zhijun, is a little surprised to hear the news.
"Maybe is purple cliff mountain people? No, the airship should be a long-distance Xinghai rover, and they should not be Ziyashan people. "
"Who could it be?"
Su Yu was puzzled and then decided to meet them.
"Zhi Jun’s dad has something to do. You let your mother and menstruation play with you." Su Yu smiled and said to Xiao Zhire that the sound was soft and coaxed with a face of kindness and doting.
Small zhi if holding the Su Yu give her eggs seemed to understand Su Yu nodded his head.
Su Yu turned around with a smile and turned his face away. Instead, he was a little determined and vigilant. He said to Guo Min, "Call Wang Chuan and Wang Chuan to see which guest came uninvited."
Say that finish Su Yu then hit the mirror door and stepped in.
And Su Yu from that moment if Xiao Zhi’s egg suddenly shook.
If Xiao Zhi looks at this egg full of patterns in his hand, the tender little hand can slap it and the egg doesn’t respond.
Su Yu took Wang Chuanyi, Wang Chuan Ku and Guo Min from the human world to the Imperial Capital of the Chinese Empire in the Quartet.
Just entering the four continents, I heard a sound all over the imperial city.
"Tell your rulers to come out to see my young master!"
This discourse has a sense of inexplicable superiority. Wang Chuan has a feeling of deja vu, which makes him very uncomfortable
At the beginning, when the owner of Ziya Mountain spoke to the mainlanders, it was also this tone, a kind of * * naked disdain! It is the naked contempt of higher life for lower life!
He turned his head and thought about the sound source. It turned out to be a scattered fairy! Look at that dress. It’s still a slave!
It’s just a slave. Where is the sense of superiority?
Scattered fairy strength?
The practitioners of scattered immortals in the Chinese Empire are just ordinary geniuses!
Wang Chuanyi immediately became angry.
Su Yu also heard the sound, but his expression was Wang Chuan’s, which was much more prosaic. He said to the three people, "Go and meet them."
Su Yu four people fly up the opposite of the slave at the same time.
The slave saw someone coming out, but it was still four strengths. He was still tall and strong, and he was speechless and turned into the suspended airship.
The slave went to find his master.
Su Yu didn’t say anything, but summoned his two thrones to sit idly in the face of this airship and became interested.
The technical content of this airship is doubtful.
In a short time, the man dressed in blood-red noble ornaments came out of the airship, his face still remained arrogant, and the old man came out after him.
The man came from the airship and saw a face of so-called Su Yu’s eyebrows wrinkled.
The native should be so arrogant. It is obvious that the root didn’t take him seriously!
Few people in several equal planes ruled by his family dare to greet themselves like this!
While Su Yu behind Wang Chuan withered suddenly grinned.
The young man broke out instantly.
The ruler is so polite and so are his hands!
He felt his pride and superiority. He had just seen these men stabbed several times.
These pariahs!
The man frowned and shouted, "What are you laughing at?"
Wang Chuan withered not only didn’t stop laughing, but smiled and bent his waist, pointing to the man’s blood-red aristocratic decoration and said intermittently, "You are living this year. Hahahahaluo, you are wearing it too festive. You are haha."
Wang Chuan withered infectious smile Guo Min couldn’t help laughing.
The man behind the guards corners of the mouth is also slightly raised a little bit.

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标题:探寻广州传统推拿名店,体验古法养生之道 在我国历史悠久的中医文化中,推拿作为一门独特的技艺,以其独特的按摩手法和疗效,深受人们的喜爱。广州作为我国历史文化名城,拥有众多传统推拿名店,它们传承了古法养生之道,为现代人带来健康与舒适。本文将为您介绍几家广州传统推拿名店,让您体验一番古法养生的魅力。 一、广州正骨推拿馆 广州正骨推拿馆是一家具有百年历史的传统推拿名店,以其精湛的技艺和良好的口碑享誉羊城。该馆位于广州市中心地带,交通便利,环境优雅。 1. 技艺传承:广州正骨推拿馆传承了我国古代正骨推拿的精髓,结合现代医学理论,形成了一套独特的推拿手法。馆内推拿师均为经验丰富的专业人士,他们手法娴熟,针对不同病症施以不同的推拿技巧。 2. 治疗项目:广州正骨推拿馆提供正骨、推拿、拔罐、刮痧等多种治疗项目,如颈椎病、腰椎病、肩周炎、风湿病等。此外,馆内还设有中医理疗、足疗等服务。 3. 服务特色:广州正骨推拿馆注重顾客体验,从环境布置到服务态度,都体现了传统中医文化的韵味。馆内设施齐全,让顾客在享受推拿的同时,也能感受到舒适与放松。…