"Shut the palace!" Han princess sneer at a way "palace have confused not you two handmaiden to give directions! This is also the idea of the palace father. Maybe you have to say’ Lord protector is confused’! "


Silverscreen and Yinshuangyuan still have some hope in their hearts, hoping that Lord Chang didn’t know about it, so that they could venture back for help and persuade Hanfei to turn back from this point of no return.
However, at the moment, the two girls were shocked.
Lord protector ….. Then the elite will believe the "Zhu Sangong" and rob the country with the emperor!
This world-what’s going on!
Han Fei, seeing their shocked and unexpected look, stabbed them fiercely in the heart. Can’t they be so sure that Zhu Sangong can’t succeed? What makes them think so!
Han Fei got up with a cold hum and threw a hard sentence, "Give the palace a good reflection!" Too lazy to look at them and lift their feet and enter the room.
Emperor Guangyuan and Lian Fangqing learned the news soon after they returned to the palace.
After this happened, the Empress Dowager was so angry that she wanted to send someone to ask questions. However, her old man never dreamed that she could not leave Cining Palace!
Empress Dowager Tai was so angry that she faced the Han concubine with a smile on her face and a respectful face. In fact, she said, "The emperor has an order to ask Empress Dowager Tai to have a good rest, so you don’t have to worry about things outside!" Knowing that there is a fake, I can’t bear it at all!
Guangyuan Teijin will see clearly the whereabouts of those people who sent Han Fei Zhu Sangong to the palace these days, including the eunuchs in the original hidden palace.
Smell speech again surprised again nu a slap in the imperial case hate way "this bitch! She really dares! "
"Emperor!" Even Fang Qing gently tugged at Emperor Guangyuan’s sleeve, and her mood was mixed. She didn’t expect Han Fei to be so mad!
Guangyuan emperor dribbling cold way "small liao to a trip to Jinghe palace said I called han princess shi disease! When Hanfei came, he ordered to do it immediately! "
"It’s the emperor!" Xiao Liao wished this loud promise and turned around and ran out. These days, he was not less arrogant and arrogant.
Han Fei heard that Emperor Guangyuan called himself, but he was suspicious at all.
However, she did not change back to the elegant and gentle dress of the past, but still wore this set of clothes that the concubines wore when they paid their respects.
Xiao Liao’s eyes are a little straight and she has a strange feeling of disobedience. What’s wrong with Han Fei today?
When you arrive at Ganqing Palace, Han Fei will see a lingering sickbed, sallow face and haggard face. Emperor Guangyuan doesn’t want to be radiant and slender after sitting in the south room. Where is the lingering sickbed state?
Han Fei Zheng immediately.
Guangyuan emperor unhurriedly approved a copy of the throne with one hand and one hand and gently put it on another. "What’s the matter?" I was so happy to see you, I forgot to salute? "
Han Fei covered her heart with shock and hurriedly bowed her knees and blessed her body with a smile apologetically. "It’s male and female servants, it’s too shocking …"
Hanfei has never been dressed like this. At this time, she salutes and moves, but she is not skilled at the touch of bun, hairpin and jewelry, and makes a slight and crisp sound.
Although the sound is not loud, it is particularly striking that the south room is spacious and quiet.
Han Fei couldn’t help glancing at Emperor Guangyuan gently. I don’t know if he noticed it. She was a little uncomfortable in her own heart …
as if sitting on a spiked rug
Guangyuan emperor is ha ha a smile looked at han princess said "I also think so! I survived this time thanks to Han Fei’s cooperation in rewarding me for my merits. I won’t treat you badly! "
Han Fei’s heart was shocked at the moment and I didn’t realize that Emperor Guangyuan called her "Han Fei" instead of what he used to call "Ai Fei"!
"Huang Huang’s male and female servants … are not too white …" Han Fei’s heart was pounding uncontrollably and asked with a smile apologetically.
"Ha ha!" Guangyuan emperor chuckled and smiled. He caught a deep glimpse of Han Fei. "Isn’t Han Fei white? I still have a white princess! But it doesn’t matter if it’s not white! "
Han Fei’s face became more ugly when her palms tightened, and her reluctant smile was already crumbling and would soon die!
"The emperor will really make fun of the male and female servants …" Han Fei smiled apologetically. "Now that the emperor has fallen ill, the male and female servants suddenly remembered that there are still some things to be done with the male and female servants in the palace. If you dare to leave first!"
Han princess deeply bend your knees and turn around to lose from 1546. 1546.
"Living" in Guangyuan Emperor’s voice is not stupid, but it can be confronted with arrogance.
He said faintly, "Can there be anything more important in Hanfei Palace than me?"
"That’s not what male and female servants mean …" Han Fei became more and more uneasy about what Guangyuan Emperor meant.
"That still leng to do? Don’t hurry up and study ink? " Emperor Guangyuan said
Han Fei can resist but calm down! Maybe we can get some news here! After today …
In Han Fei’s view, Zhu Sangong is ready to sew, and if so many Zhu Sangong people have already infiltrated this palace, they can take action to firmly control this dry Qing Palace!
It’s better to hold Emperor Guangyuan in your hands than whether he is awake or lingering on his deathbed. What’s the matter?
It’s just a word to make him sick then!
"It’s the emperor …" Han Fei Su gathered her body with a slight ring and went to Guangyuan Emperor.
Emperor Guangyuan smiled and picked up a memorial at her and smiled faintly. "Han Fei, someone told me that your father Chang Guogong had a hook with Zhu Sangong. Do you think I should believe it or not?"
Han princess face big change heart a shock suddenly return to absolute being busy way "emperor! My father must be wronged! "
"Really?" Guangyuan emperor sneer at unhurried way "I although young but read the file resume also know that your father seems to be thirty years ago in the northwest led the troops to fight? At that time, he seemed to be a participant? "
Han Fei’s heart suddenly jumped up and stared at Emperor Guangyuan. He suddenly remembered the incident for no reason. Did he also … know about it?
No! No way!
Han princess a fiercely in my heart.
When my father was promoted, he did a lot of things that were hard to say, including slaughtering people and pretending to be military.
Unfortunately, when a border town was slaughtered, even the tribute messenger sent by the Hu people to Zhou Dynasty and the beloved young people of the Hu people’s tribal leaders at that time were killed!
Afterwards, I learned that at that time, Liu Shenjiang and today’s Chang Guogong covered up the crime and chose to cover up a law!
He simply ordered people to provoke the Hu people in the court of the Zhou Dynasty, and finally chose the diplomatic relations between the two countries as a deadly enemy. Later, the Hu people suffered from years of intrusion on the border of the Zhou Dynasty. Besides their national nature, did they not enjoy the credit of Liu Shenjiang and Chang Guogong?
After Emperor Guangyuan got those boxes, he didn’t completely comply with the first emperor’s edict, sealed them and destroyed them, but opened them, especially in the case of Yu Changgong.
After all, the present situation is that the first emperor did not expect that several ministers of the Duke of Chang had secretly worked in Zhu Sangong and offered him various conveniences.
Others Guangyuan emperor don’t ask, don’t pursue for these people is absolutely not generous to don’t ask, don’t pursue.
Of course, he won’t punish them for helping Zhu Sangong commit crimes, but a monarch wants to punish his ministers, but he still has trouble finding a law.
Han princess brimming with crazy heartbeat reluctantly smile apologetically "male and female servants … at that time, male and female servants haven’t been born yet! Male and female servants don’t know … It seems like … "
Guangyuan emperor laughed "Han princess what are you nervous about! It’s not something to hide! "
"The emperor said yes!" Han Fei smiles apologetically and denies that "male and female servants are not nervous"
"That’s good!" Emperor Guangyuan raised his eyebrows and said unhurriedly, "Someone told me that your father seemed to have done some illegal activities at the border in those days. Zhu Sangong seized this blackmail and forced him to accept the concubine. Is this the case?"

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导语:广州,这座千年商都,以其独特的岭南文化和开放包容的城市气质,成为了中国夜生活最狂热的地方之一。在这里,夜幕降临,繁华璀璨,各大夜生活场所灯火通明,让人流连忘返。本文将带您走进广州夜生活最狂热之地,感受这座不夜之城的魅力。 一、珠江夜景,璀璨夺目 广州的夜生活,首先从珠江夜景开始。珠江是广州的母亲河,两岸的夜景尤为迷人。每当夜幕降临,华灯初上,珠江两岸的摩天大楼、桥梁、游船灯光交相辉映,构成了一幅美丽的画卷。在这里,您可以乘坐游船欣赏珠江两岸的夜景,感受广州这座城市的繁华与魅力。 二、北京路夜市,美食狂欢 北京路夜市是广州夜生活最狂热的地方之一。这里汇集了全国各地乃至世界各地的美食,是吃货们的天堂。夜市里,各种小吃、烧烤、甜品琳琅满目,香气四溢。在这里,您可以品尝到正宗的广州小吃,如叉烧、肠粉、虾饺等,也可以尝试一些异国美食,如韩国烤肉、日本寿司等。北京路夜市不仅是美食的狂欢,更是广州夜生活的一道亮丽风景线。 三、沙面酒吧街,狂欢派对 沙面酒吧街是广州夜生活最热闹的地方之一。这里汇集了众多风格迥异的酒吧,从复古风、文艺风到现代风,应有尽有。每当夜幕降临,酒吧街的灯光闪烁,音乐响起,成为了一个个狂欢的派对现场。在这里,您可以与朋友一起畅饮、跳舞,尽情享受夜生活的乐趣。 四、天河城、太古汇,购物天堂 广州的夜生活,自然少不了购物。天河城、太古汇等大型购物中心,成为了广州夜生活的重要组成部分。这些商场里,汇聚了国内外众多知名品牌,是购物爱好者的天堂。夜晚,商场内灯火辉煌,人潮涌动,让您在购物的同时,也能感受到广州的繁华与活力。 五、上下九步行街,感受岭南风情…