Even in the world, he thinks that he is superior in strength, and he wants to attack the enemy first.


The man smiled and walked up to him and said, "Not everyone can see our empress."
God frowned and was unhappy with his gift. He remembered the previous man’s words and asked, "Do you know me?"
Yuanjia raised her smile and said "of course"
He has seen Zong Yue in his previous life from fate and naturally knows that this god is Zong Yue’s "ex-husband" like him.
And that perfect blood in his heart.
He didn’t hide the seizure of God’s blood refining artifact.
Zong Yue was surprised when he heard that he didn’t stop it. "The king of God doesn’t have thousands of years to live. It is reasonable to say that God paves the way before his fate. Are you so reckless with his heirs that you are not afraid of his revenge?"
Yuanjia replied, "The Empress joked that if the God King really cared so much about his heirs, the Empress would not have a chance to touch the God King’s staff."
Zong Yue raises eyebrows.
Yuanjia said, "The Empress has a clever plan, but how can everything be expected? The King of God has discovered that the Empress is a murderer, but he still chooses to let the Empress go. Do you know anything?"
Zong Yue eyebrows Yuanjia continued, "Because the empress passed the examination of the king’s staff, he and the rest of the children were the most recognized gods by the king’s staff. He needed the empress to inherit the throne and inherit the king’s staff, but at this critical moment, he learned one thing-
"that’s the goddess of truth. You have the ability to break your promise."
Zong Yue’s heavy eyes instantly analyzed the situation in that year clearly.
"He needs God to inherit the king’s staff because the king’s staff has the ability to satisfy his master’s wish. He needs God to inherit it and then make a wish to make him live forever. No wonder he loves God the most among so many children."
Not only because God’s way is high, but also because God wants it.
Therefore, he was sure that God would make a wish for his rebirth or eternal life according to his instructions after handing over the scepter to God, but he didn’t expect that God died and killed the god of death, but he was the most recognized god among the remaining gods.
The more you get the staff to recognize God’s wish, the more likely it is to come true.
He had intended to pinch his nose and confess that he would take the throne of God and the staff of the king of God to Zongyue after the oath, but he didn’t expect Zong Yue to have the ability to break his promise
No wonder you are anxious and desperate.
Zong Yue thought everything through and smiled and asked, "Is the King’s Staff really called the King’s Staff?"
No matter whether she is supposed to inherit the gods or not, there is only one god, that is, the goddess of creation.
God is the reincarnation of the goddess of creation, and she is one of thousands of reincarnations of the goddess of creation.
Yuanjia also smiled and said, "The God King’s Staff? If you really study it carefully, you should change your name to’ Goddess of Creation Staff’. At the beginning, the Goddess of Creation gave it to Moon Rangyue. After her body died, she took out the Goddess of Creation to replace her. Don’t voluntarily protect the reincarnation of the Goddess of Creation. This is the achievement of today’s God King and God King Staff. "
Zong Yue recognized his sarcasm. "It seems that you are really not afraid of the God King."
Yuanjia smiled. "He and I are both sent by fate as equals, and I have to be afraid of him? His fate has returned to him; I’m destined to do fate and I haven’t received a return. I should be afraid of me. "
This is also his courage to bet on God.
Zong Yue pointed out that "fate needs to be returned to you because you haven’t done it yet."
Yuanjia knew that she meant that he had stopped her from dying, so she smiled and said, "The empress has learned a lesson."
God is gone and never returns. There is chaos in the divine world.
At first, the king of God had comfort and leisure, and he turned pale after he had invited fate.
[Reg, when you made a wish to have a god world and become a god king, I satisfied you, and I never owe you again after that]
The sound in the virtual voice is cold and sentimental.
Luna and fate don’t need the divine world, because they are the divine world in their place. The so-called God is no different from people in their eyes.
Need God’s respect, need God’s king in the world.
After grinding his teeth for a moment, the king of God made up his mind to "I will personally."
He has no gods, but he must have no gods.
God was rescued long before the realm of the king of God.
Saving him is a young man … or a teenager?
He recite that god who lost his power because of excessive blood los and carefully asked, "are you all right?"
God takes back his eyes when he looks at him.
The teenager was somewhat frustrated by his attitude, shook his arm and asked, "Is it true that they said you are from the divine world?"
God didn’t answer him. He closed his eyes and looked weak and tired.
The young man said, "If you are, nod your head. If you are not, I will send you back to Yuanjia and them."
God finally spoke. He opened his eyes and said "Yes".
The teenager’s eyes lit up and he was eager to ask, "So after what they did to you, when you recover, you will definitely ask your friends in the divine world to take revenge together, right?"
God didn’t want to talk to his teenager, so he decided to take his place. "I will save you, and I will send you to the magic field to recuperate, but you must remember that you will definitely take revenge in the future."
He looked back and asked, "My name is Yuanhua, and you?"
"… Xuan"
Chapter 93 Chapter 93
God was born inarticulate and taciturn, and now he is seriously injured, but he wants to rest in peace. All the way, the teenagers are always asking him about himself and the divine world.
He wandered into the sky and tried to ignore the juvenile voice, but he was soon discovered by the teenager.
"Hey, I saved you. Why are you always absent-minded when I talk to you?"
God doesn’t talk if he wants Yuanhua to put him back in prison.
Seeing him or not, Yuanhua was obviously in some pain. He testily pulled his hair and asked himself, "What’s the matter with you?" The fairy officials who usually guard me listen to that bastard Yuanjia who doesn’t talk to me, so forget it. You don’t talk to me either? I saved you. I saved you! "
God heard the guard fairy officer call the leader who took his blood "Yuanjia" and asked, "Is Yuanjia the leader of the mysterious fairy officer?"
"Who else but him? !” Yuan Hua gnashed her teeth and said, "He is a pawn of Zong Yue. After Zong Yue disposed of my father and my mother, he threw me to him all these years. His name is my master, but he actually abused me. He didn’t teach me the fairy method, let others talk to me, and let me go out at will. I hate him."

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